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Type: drug type
Drug: Banzel
Chemical: Rufinamide
Type: drug type
Drug: Depakene
Chemical: Valproic Acid
Type: drug type
Drug: Depakote
Chemical: Divalproex Enteric Coated
Type: drug type
Drug: Depakote ER
Chemical: Divalproex Sodium 24 Hour Tablet
Type: drug type
Drug: Dilantin
Chemical: Phenytoin
Type: drug type
Drug: Keppra
Chemical: Levetiracetam
Type: drug type
Drug: Lamictal
Chemical: Lamotrigine
Type: drug type
Drug: Tegretol
Chemical: Carbamazepine
Type: drug type
Drug: Tegretol CR
Chemical: Carbamazepine Extended Release
Type: drug type
Drug: Tegretol XR
Chemical: Carbamazepine Extended Release
Type: drug type
Drug: Topamax
Chemical: Topiramate
Type: drug type
Drug: Trileptal
Chemical: Oxcarbazepine
Type: drug type
Drug: Trileptal Suspension
Chemical: Oxcarbazepine
Type: drug type
Drug: Zarontin
Chemical: Ethosuximide

In addition to having your prescriptions dispensed from our affiliated Canadian dispensing pharmacy, your medications are also dispensed from international pharmacies and fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies in their respective countries. works with fulfillment centers in a variety of countries including but not limited to Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Turkey, Mauritius, India, and the United Kingdom.
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